Mar 28, 2007

A mirthful Notice

Yesterday I have been to Forum, a famous mall in our city of Bangalore. I happened to see a notice in the food court "Transit", which reads as.. "Outside eatables will be prosecuted".

Imagine a scene like a masala dosa being served a legal notice. ;-)

The legality of the notice is a different issue.

Mar 16, 2007

Congrats VA

In the midst of cricket fever, there is a great achievement by an Indian in the world of sports. Viswanathan Anand emerged as the World Number one in the Chess.

Congratulations to Viswanathan Anand who came from the land where the game of chess emerged.

Push & Pull

PUSH & PULL these are the words you can see nowadays in almost all places. Of course, I am talking about the glass doors in most of the places.

In our office, the pantry door has to be pushed while entering and to be pulled while coming out. On most of the occasion, I often see people push the door while going out.

I will get angry when people don't go by it.

After a long and deep thought something came cogent to my mind. People usually carry coffee cups and snacks in their hands while going out and they tend to envisage of opening the door by Push.

I would like to see the interior consultants to think plausibly and design in future.

One Number

One of the articles in rediff caught my attention. The article was about a US based company - GrandCentral who are in the beta testing phase of its simple but nice to have service of integrating all your contact numbers to a single number.

Not sure how this service is going to hit in the market since I smell some kind of privacy loss. I feel instead of distributing your new number from this provider to everyone, just integrate existing phone numbers with this service. Once you get a call to any of your numbers and you aren't there to pick up, it should get diverted to this number. The recipient can then be notified about the voice message which can be accessed from anywhere.

Let us wait how this service will evolve when it hits the market.

Mar 12, 2007

Indian Cricket

The recent interview of Dravid, where he backed Sehwag after latter's repeated failure saying he was backing only a person who proved worthy and match winner and also scored some 6000 runs in the ODI. My question is why did not he support Ganguly or Zaheer when the same happened to them some year back. Aren't they proved to be match winner.

Sigh, all dirty politics in Indian Cricket.