Oct 28, 2005

IT es work

India, now emerging as the key player in the field of IT enabled services has grown exponentially in this field. This field contributes a lot to the Indian GDP. It increased the employment but does it provides an individual to have a stress-free work environment?. This is the question struck on my mind during my recent visit to one of call centres.

I feel it really very difficult to work in those environment where you need to change your body clock every month or so to cope up with the shift timings you work for. This really affects a person mentally as he may have some sleepless nights. This will definitely affects the individuals both physically and mentally.

People in the higher management, should come up with a corrective measure for these problems.

Oct 26, 2005

Global Warming or global warning

Recently the world faced heavy downpours which resulted in human loss. The article explains the reason behind this heavy abnormal rainfalls.

Nowadays most countries started talking about the Global warming and it should be stopped only on papers. We need to take proper measures in order to put a break for the raise in the global temperature.

Once the greenhouse effect provides greater help for the human life in the Earth and if there is any slothfulness in the process to reduce the global warming will result in the worst.

Oct 14, 2005

Night out @ chennai central

I had a very bad experience with the largest employer in the world, Indian Railways. I happened to travel in train on Oct 12th night when there was a downpour (not a heavy) in chennai which resulted in water logging at train yard. (Central Railway Station)

The customer service by Railways was very pathetic. No one was there to give you a clear picture what was happening and there was no proper seating arrangements done to accomodate people who got stuck as most of the night trains were delayed. No announcement made to keep in people informed and everyone was getting restless since the next day is a working day.

Still India needs to improve a lot in the recovery project, as it took nearly 2:30 hours for them to regularise the normal train activity.

Oct 6, 2005

New meaning for Bangalored ?

The incident of RPF assaulting a IT employee came as a stunning news for everyone in the IT city of India. The city already facing a steep increase in the number of robbery and theft cases now becoming very hostile to live.

Is the social-economic imbalance in this city paves way for these kind of activities. Wondering what will stop this?.

Bangalored now means different for me ..

Oct 4, 2005


Flexi-timings, gaining more and more attention nowadays not only because it makes people to work with great efficiency but also makes people to reach office stress-free.

As the concept of work from home is still not in practice in India, flexi-timing may help people to work better and also it may help in reducing the traffic congestion atleast in Bangalore.