Jul 10, 2009

Inflating profits - Is a common practice among companies

Satyam which was in the limelight for inflating profit was not a sole player. The rediff article says most of the public sector units have inflated the profit but not to the extend of Satyam.


Quirkology, maybe sounds like a funniest branch of Science. Wiseman has conducted a lot of research to find out tiny, unknown links that exists between anything. How your birth month affects your thinking and career development. One of his research says, people born between March and August would think better than people in other months. The reason as he quotes..'perhaps, the way of bringing up the kids by parents might be different during Summer and Winter.
Another experiment says the lovers tends to underestimate the time elapsed when they were disrupted during their meeting after a long day's work.

Couple of other experiments, how one's name affects their career development. He says people with not so common name have better productivity than people with common names.

Checkout the website for more interesting findings.

Jul 8, 2009

Metallic foods and hygienic outlets

Today's article in Hindu alerts you about the reality of pollution damages. Owing to pollution created from sewage waste,industrial waste and other contamination from the city, the fruits and vegetables cultivated near urban area has heavy level of metal traces. Is organic food an alternate for this?. No since organic food is still dearer for most of the people. Government should take stringent action to reduce the water contamination.
Also, the waxing of Apples and the riping mechanism of mangoes using calcium carbide is another concern.
Another article, reflects the miserable state of the health department. The article points out that BBMP has only 4 health inspectors to inspect the food quality in 25000 eatouts in bangalore.
Believe 'ignorance is bliss'

ATM non-functioning

I used to draw money from the ICICI bank ATM in our office premise using the Citibank Card. However, for the past 4 weeks all the request had been declined. Even with persistent reporting/queries the problem was not solved. Eventually, this is not the only case. Today an article in 'The Hindu' talks about the same issue with other banks. Would this be a collusion among banks which has more ATMs, after the government order to allow withdrawing money from any ATM ?.

Feb 2, 2009

Not a good replacement

Australia, once a unvanquishable team in cricket world, now have a keeper in Haddin who replaced Gilchrist, an outstanding sports person. Does Haddin make a perfect replacement for Gilchrist. I believe he never does. Probably with the batting skill in due course, not the sportsmanship of Gilchrist. Yesterday's incident reflects a bad state of cricket they are encouraging in Australia.

Jan 29, 2009

Nomophobia & Ringxiety

Puzzled with the title. These are the uneasy sense a person develops on a prolong usage of mobile phone. Do you fear about losing your mobile contact if you asked to get rid of your mobile?. Have you been hearing your mobile ring tone when it was not ringing!!! That's ringxiety.

Not only we are getting ourselves funky mobile but also funky feelings.

Jan 27, 2009

Listerine - Good or Bad

An article in BusinessWorld, which corroborates the long standing hearsay that using alcohol based mouthwash will increase the oral cancer. The research was done by an Australian university, claims that the probability of oral cancer increases with longer usage of Listerine. Moreover, the university suggested to ban the selling of 'Listerine' from the grocery shops and made available only in medical shops only on physician's recommendation. Will Johnson & Johnson respond positively ?

Jan 14, 2009

Slum Dog Millionaire

Winning 4 golden globe award, the movie got the attention from around the world. It's simplicity and fast pacing screenplay attributed to its success.Based on the novel 'Q & A' by Vikas Swarup. It's really surprising some not so competent movie being nominated for Oscar. Though happy that compatriot being nominated, I personally feel the movie missed out the stir the book created.

Power Theft

In India, it looks like Power theft is quite unavoidable. Today's article in HINDU about the power theft by the Airtel's service provider for the erected tower was quite high. Power theft affects the government revenue and also affects the every consumer who also pays for the unaccounted power usage. Probably, government should think about privatization of the power distributed similar to the DISCOMs in Delhi, which is quite successful in revenue generation, reduced power tariff and also reduced power theft.