Dec 21, 2007

Growth Factor

The article published in the rediff, establishes the overlooked achievements of the Gujarat government. The article based on RBI's statistics, however most of the opposition still plays around the so called 'secularism' to hinder the growth. The best of these I can see is the ideas of evening courts, 'Kanya Kelavani Yojana'.Moreover, it had turned most of the state-owned units to be profitable.
The government also moved from revenue surplus to revenue deficit. Other states also should take this as example to make their respective states to be more revenue surplus.
This article by me is just written with respective to education, development of rural and urban,growth and revenue surplus.

Dec 17, 2007

Political sport

The article simply signalizes the powerplay of politics against the game(spirit) of cricket. Is that possible to educate the cliques who die for cricket in India?.

Who is there to question this board which is probably one of the highest earnings body in the country?.

Only in India, the cricket association has the word "control" in their name.

Dec 3, 2007

Ugly scenes with Politicians

The intervening of Government with the administration of AIIMS, the most acclaimed medical college in India has already showcased the ego clashes of power. Now, after that our health minister is ready for a fist with the medical students increasing the stay at college by a year. The reason provided is 'village service'. Instead of doing all these goof-off, why not put proper check-points for the government doctors who already in the services. If they do turn up promptly for their duty at government hospitals it might be a proper solution.