Jan 14, 2008


In democratic country everyone has their rights to voice their concern, however the recent auto strike in Bangalore demanding for increase in minumum fare and fare per kilometer is something as a general public I would strongly contend.
The minimum fare and the rest are for the auto-drivers who are abide by the meter rules. Most of the bangalore auto-drivers, does not follow the rules, then I could not understand why they protest. Probably trying to legitimise their exorbitant fare demand.

Jokes apart, most of the auto in Bangalore runs in CNG and the existing fare is very much yield them the profit(from some articles in today's 'The Hindu' ) and could not understand the reason for the bandh.

Believe it is just an outcome of threat they might face once the Tata NANO is out.

Bangalore traffic woes

In today's news daily of Hindu, I read an interesting article about the authorities to implement a new way to reduce the traffic by 30%. It says they are planning for a restriction of vehicular movements in the road to alternative days. Wondering how?. Vehicles ending with odd-numbers and even-numbers will on road on alternative days except on Sundays. However this restriction is not for public transportation.

Nice idea proposed by authorities however, because the private vehicle owners who had enjoyed the sophistication and don't want to travel in the cumbersome city buses. (Very true), they should introduce more and more Volvo services between all the places available on all times.

Will this address some of the traffic woes.. it all depends on morale and how well we co-operate with them.

Jan 7, 2008

Controversial Character

After my class on Organsational Behaviour, I wanted to apply the concept of Self- esteem in real world to understand it better. The initial thought came to me was the Australian cricket team. The characteristic of a high self-esteemed person can be put as, behaved aggressively or even violently when threatened and also became more egotistical when faced under pressure. Believe after understanding this, most of us can deduce why the Australian team behaved in such a shame way during the second test @ Sydney.

Gentleman's Game

The recently held Test match between India-Australia fueled a lot of controversies. However I would like to have a different perspective here. As mentioned in the media, both the captains have agreed for on-field honesty. However, when Ricky, Symonds and Clarke stood still in the pitch even after nicking the ball, where is the answer for honesty or sportsmanship? Since these men lost their quality of honesty during the batting, how can they be the deciding factor in ruling Ganguly out? Leaving other umpiring rues are parts of the cricket, the umpire should have given himself out for Ganguly or referred to third umpire. Asking a person who lost his creditability for honesty was ridiculous I feel.

Jan 4, 2008

A week of exhibition visit

Last week of 2007 was really a "fair" one for me as I have been to two exhibitions in city.

Strand's bookstall, an illustrious exhibition was back in city at Chinnasamy stadium. The collection of books were really great and every book evokes you to buy it. Would love to have most of the books in my shelf, if wallet factor did not come on my way. After spending two hours and 2K, came out half-heartedly not able to buy all books. The space between tables does not allow the people to stand and check for the contents, a pitfall in the arrangement.

The second one is the Nilgiri's cake show, where the Bangalore palace made of sugar stood majestically near the entrance. There were great intricate works on sugar to make the Titanic, Jurassic park, Veena - the music instrument.