Mar 29, 2005

Kuiya's Marriage

Kuiya's marriage was the much awaited event among our friends. The reason was simple (he is in love) . The marriage was arranged at the last possible moment, a week before. He was very busy in organising the things together to make the event a successful. Know one thing, the marriage was proposed to held on a great day of the year (23rd March).. why ?... 'cos its my birthday.

Finally the day of happenings started. We started at 8:30 in the morning by a Cab arranged by Kuiya. We had breakfast near to the temple (Someshwara temple) then back to temple where the occasion has to happen. Nice to tell that this event has arranged for a get together for our University friends.

The rituals started at 10:30 am and the first thing was the holy wash of kuiya's leg (similar to ablution) by his mother-in-law. Then we entered into the temple and the ceremony started. Kuiya was really in a abuzz mood. From here the things started happening fast. Then our hero Kuiya tied the holy thread around Samyu's neck. Then comes the things like garland exchange, metti anivithal... From then our Kuiya became a Family man and we wished him a great and happy married life.

1 comment:

Rajakumar said...


Want to know the happenings of the previous night... the kind of rock dance you did and other mischievous entertainments that you did on the advent your bday.