Mar 2, 2006

The Emerging Mind

Presently, I am reading the book "The Emerging Mind" by Villayanur Ramachandran. Its all about our brain and its functionality and how it reacts/influences our activities.

The book starts with couple of experiments which was conducted by author along with his students clearly explained the perplexed human brain.

He also sketched a brief introduction of the brain parts and their basic functionality in a very lucid way, which helps lame people (like me) to understand about our own organ (Atleast I'm confident that I do have one).

One of the incident, where the patient couldn't remember his mother's face, however could remember her voice. Whenever his mother enters his room he shouts "You are an imposter". The author did his experiment with this person and explained it in a nice way (which I am not, here).

Another incident, a person whose arm was amputated still claims he is waving "Hi".

The book is really interesting and sure it will make you aware of what u have ;-) and how it behaves.

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