Apr 10, 2006

Quotas & Reservations

As the business schools and IITs are raining money for the graduates, the announcement by the ministry of India came as a shockwaves for lot of executives. The reservation percent may be increased in IITs, IIMs and Central government run Institutions.

Will this affect the standards of the IIMs and the IITs ?. How this will be taken by the market and the companies. Why can't they provide reservations based on economy?. That will help the economically weak bright candidates will get the benefit.

I remember an incident happened in Uttar Pradesh some 4-5 years where a candidate who scored 2 marks in the entrance granted a medical seat as he was the only candidate applied under some quota.

We often cry about the brain drain, and if these conditions continue to prevail no one can help our country for better growth.

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