Jul 10, 2008

Who is the culprit?

An interesting article in Deccan Herald caught my eyes. The plaintiff said that he received a email asking him to be a partner (with the sender) to claim her father's deposit with Scotland Bank. He promptly accepted and deposited some Rs.7 lakhs with the account the person's attorney(as they say) mentioned. Not able to face the next demand of 8.5 lakhs he foxed the attorney and made him to send his representative to collect the cash. Apparently he was caught by the police based on the complaint.

The plaintiff would have taken this matter through legally or would have ignored. But Greed wins and he deposited the money. Who is responsible for his ignorance or his ill minded to become richer soon. He paid for his evil mind, I would say..

Police should have taken action against the plaintiff for not taking any legal action before he acts on the email.

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