Jan 23, 2006

Do we bother about our rightfullness

In this consumer oriented world as so called, that it happened to me and may happen to anyone else who bothers about their rightfulness.

I happened to visit Shopper's Stop, Bannerghatta Road branch in Bangalore on Sunday for purchase ;-) . When I entered the security told that there is a parking fee which will be re-imbursed on purchasing any goods in Shopper's Stop.

On billing, when I handover the receipt to the cashier, he said the parking fee will be reimbursed only for the First-Citizen card holders.( This is a privileged group of people, of Course not a frequent buyer from SS). You need to pay Rs. 150/= to become a privileged customer.

When I asked the Customer care Executive there, the way he answered was really absurd and not really customer-friendly.

I asked the executive that it wasn't good to distinguish or reimburse the person who became a privileged one by paying Rs. 150/=. He said it was the rule in SS and if you want to go by that come here or else.. and he took the money to give us. I even suggested to them saying you can give the privileged card to consumer who buys for Rs1500 or more at a time or so. I even sited an example where another retailer (Bangalore Central) reimbursed the parking fee if you buy something.

Its fine if you are not reimbursing the customers who aren't buying. But why for a buying customer but not a privileged customer.

Not sure why our public are not really bothered to raise issues like this, as this is an illegal way of money making. Either pay Rs.150/= to get your parking fee reimbursed or pay the parking fee. Is this a correct way to make the customer pay you?.

I think our socienty needs to be educated on these kind of issues or the governmend should take proper action against these kind of money making?.

how can we create a public awareness on these things. ?

1 comment:

Vanaja said...

Krish, talking to the security guys won't help us. We need to approach the actual person who would have implemented this. And, one person questioning them will not do any good. Again, as you said, either no awareness among the people Or they try to escape from such issues.