Jan 23, 2006

Increasing Tolerance Level.

This weekend we made our life miserable by watching movies 'Aathi' and 'Paramasivan'. Though we couldn't hear anything good about these movies, we want to test our tolerance level. Surprisingly, the tolerance level has increased tremendously as we watched both the movies till the climax.

Both the movies possess a lot of similarities in the way targeting the audience as victims of the fully faltoo (fault) movies.

Lot of violence, sense of no-logic, no continuation in the flow of movie and the most was the re-recording. I think the music director wasn't satisfied with what he was paid. It was so annoying that he should stop scoring music only to the songs henceforth.

I believe these movies get a box-office hit only by comparison. We feel that the movie we watched first was better than the second.

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