Feb 26, 2006

Attention Educated people - Be a role model

Recently, I have been to Bangalore Central (a shopping mall) and after purchase I joined a queue for the express counter (the signboard tells "ONLY CASH" and "items less than 10"). The lady before me had morethan 15 items. :-( . I moved to next express counter, where a man was providing his credit card for the payment. I got really irritated as only the educated people, who are supposed to be role model doesn't follow the rule or instructions.

The person in the counter doesn't object to this. Why do they have a express counter ?.

Other day, I saw a man parking his car right next to the "No Parking" sign-board.

What does the education in India teach us ?. Do education meant only for earnings?.

I request the educated people to behave and be the role-model for the rest.

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