Feb 9, 2006

Customer hostile

Two days back I had an undesirable experience with one of the big (so called) travels KPN travels. I booked a ticket to my native place wherein I was told to report at 2:45 pm and the departure time at 3 pm. Reconfirming the same with the clerk, I asked my friend to arrive there by 2:45 pm.

We were taken to Bommanahalli, where we have to board of. There we were told that the actual timing was 3:45 pm (@Bommanahalli). We lost our patience by this time.

On asking why you asked us to report by 2:45, we didn't get a proper reply from them.

As we don't want to wait for an hour, we asked the clerk to cancel this ticket and book it in an earlier bus to the same place.

Here lies the actual funny part, he said "no cancellation". Why ?... because recently they started the computerised booking which doesn't offer the cancellation procedure.

What a wonder ?. A software engineer now a victim of software... Really a painful experience.

This is really atrocious as the clerk wasn't really customer friendly and doesn't bother to answer any questions, moreover not ready to cancel the tickets. (blaming on software)

Not really sure when India will rise up to the really customer driven culture.

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