Feb 22, 2006

Other side of the coin

We, the people always curse the traffic policemen for all the traffic hiccups. However when I went out at noon, I can realise how difficult to work a whole day as a traffic police. They do suffer a lot to serve us. They are serving us all the days. True, the police and traffic police does serve us on holidays and weekends.

Often, I can see that we don't respect them in signals. we just override them. Today I saw a call-taxi cab not responding in the signal, when a constable signals to stop. This irritates the police and he asked the vehicle to take reverse till he goes behind the yellow line. I can understand clearly why the police behaved this way ?.

Definitely, they deserve some respect for their work. Let us give them respect and abide by the traffic rules and help them out in regularise traffic.

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